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found bash-5.2.15-r6 in alpinelinux ;
found bash-5.2.015 in archlinux ;
found bash-4.4.20 in centos ;
found bash-5.2.15 in debian ;
found bash-5.1.16 in fedora ;
found bash-9999 in gentoo ;
found bash-5.1.16 in guix ;
found bash-5.2.21 in mageia ;
found bash-5.2-p15 in nixos ;
found bash-5.2.15 in opensuse ;
found bash-5.0 in pclinuxos ;
found bash-5.2.021 in slackware ;
found bash-5.1.16 in solus ;
found bash-5.2.15 in ubuntu ;
found bash-5.2.015 in voidlinux ;

Path: /usr/bin/bash
Provides: bash
Binary-Package: bash
Source-Package: bash (git) 5.2.15 changes
devel-project: Base:System

Project-Maintainers:No persons associated with this package